McFadden’s Addison Closed

mcfaddensby Steven Doyle

The Irish Goodbye is truly the best exit strategy. This is where you simply vanish into the night quietly, possibly with a select bottle in hand. No need for long chats of regret and confusing excuses about leaving the iron on or babysitters (we know you have no children).  This is what Addison’s McFadden’s did for us last night as they abruptly shuttered after three and a half years.  

Rumors of their demise have been in circulation for sometime. Perhaps this is why they closed. After a year of rumors they actually started to believe what they have been hearing.

From one Irishman to another, we wish you a fond adieu, McFadden’s. We will never forget the night we watched the midget wrestling match in horror at your bar.

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Filed under Steven Doyle

One response to “McFadden’s Addison Closed

  1. Steven Doyle, enjoyed your obit of McFadden’s more than I ever would’ve enjoyed a night at McFadden’s.

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