Tag Archives: Solaro Estate Winery

Solaro Estate Charts An Independent Course

index1by Andrew Chalk

After I saw and reported success for Solaro Estate Winery wines in national competitions I decided to stop by and see for myself what was going on at this winery and vineyard that had previously flown beneath my radar. What I found was an Italian-inspired boutique operation focused on making the best wine possible from Texas grapes. They are well capitalized and engaged in vineyard expansion. Owner/winemaker Robert Fritz is self-taught (making his first wine at age 10) and has acquired set views about winemaking, grape growing, and Texas politics

Fritz wondered what to do with his time when he turned 60. A successful legal career continued but he wanted a diversion. Like dreamers before him, he planted grapes, built a winery, and started making wine. The result, Solaro Estate Winery, occupies 160 acres in Dripping Springs. Part of the land is given over to horsey pursuits, something that Robert and his partner Barbara Hederlein still take seriously, 35 acres is planted to grapes, and there is a tourist-friendly tasting room as well as the winery.   Continue reading

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Filed under Andrew Chalk

Texas Winery Wins Grand Slam in California Wine Competition

solaro1by Andrew Chalk

This just in from Solaro Estate Winery of Dripping Springs, Texas. They won Best of Class for their 2011 Solaro Estate Barbera, Estate Grown, Texas Hill Country in the 2013 International Women’s Wine Competition held in Sonoma County, CA in July and organized under the auspices of the respected industry magazine “Vineyard and Winery Management” (if you want to know how many vines to plant per acre this is the magazine for you).   Continue reading


Filed under Andrew Chalk