A Whole Free Pie Tomorrow, And You Don’t Have To Share

pieby Steven Doyle

Tomorrow is National Pie Day, which just so happens to be our favorite holiday besides National Whiskey Day and National Three Lunch Tuesday. We have plenty of celebration in order with a roll out of our favorite area pies, but today we wanted to share a deal you may wish to prepare for in anticipation of the big day Wednesday.      

Sure you could bake your own pie, and we highly encourage that sort of behavior, but for those dough challenged individuals we have free pie for you. Not just a sliver but the whole pie. Artizone, that delightful delivery service that schlepps locally sourced groceries from across several counties will actually go to numerous pie stops and grab you a freshly baked apple, cherry or even a pot pie if you so desire (it counts). You pay for the pie, but they give you back $8.39, or the price of a pie at Highland Park Cafeteria – which happens to be on their list of pies to choose from.

Check out the link and make your order just in time for delivery on National Pie Day.

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Filed under I Like Pie, Pie, Steven Doyle

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