Tag Archives: Al Havens

Remedy Opens This Friday, Jan 2nd With An All-Star Staff


Remedy, a neighborhood restaurant/bar created by Elias Pope (owner, HG Sply Co.) is ready to open for dinner service at 5pm, this Friday night January 2nd. Lunch service will begin mid-month.

Owner Elias Pope says, “At Remedy, we believe in bringing old school hospitality back to life. Beginning as early as the 1600s, medicine men and alchemists in the United States looked to natural sparkling water to cure illness “Health by Soda”. After the civil war people began to open soda fountains, where pharmacists would dispense your medicine in soda waters flavored with syrups to make them more palatable. During prohibition, people turned from the saloon to the soda fountain.

Though people initially visited soda fountains as a remedy to what ailed them, they stayed for the company. Soda Fountains are the first completely American dining experience, a community where men, women, and children all felt welcomed. It was here they sought and often found the remedy they were seeking, whether it was a thoughtfully crafted soda, an inventive ice cream sundae, or a friend to laugh with. Remedy is our modern version of that tradition.”   Continue reading

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