Tag Archives: Porter

Real Ale Coffee Porter

coffee porterby Brian Wall

Beer and coffee. For some, coffee is an institution, a must for every day. The breath of day in which some cannot wake up, function or think until they have had their “first cup of the day”. An interesting thing, coffee. When someone first noticed a form of berry growing on a type of evergreen and decided to roasted the seed inside, filter it with water and drink it, really shows how in-depth the thought process of humans may be. Different areas, climates and methods of processing the seeds can either enhance or decrease the flavor. I will not get started on the Kopi Luwak coffee from Sumatra that is from civet droppings.

Coffee in beer is not something new and plenty of breweries take advantage of the roasted, bitter, earthy flavor that coffee can impart into beer.  Primarily, stouts and porters are the main beers that have coffee infused into them.   Continue reading

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