Tag Archives: Chef PatrickRussell

Max’s Goes Mad For Fall


by Andrew Chalk

Max’s Wine Dive in Uptown has firmly established itself for both lunch and dinner. Chef Patrick Russell confirmed what my eyes had led me to suspect – the fried chicken is the single most popular menu item. However, maybe to prove that there is a lot more to Max’s than chicken, they hosted a media dinner last week and Crave was there.

First, some background. ‘Dive’ is too denigratory a word. Max’s is very comfortable. The ‘dive’ term just refers to its casual, come-as-you-are atmosphere. One exception: two of the women at the communal (to the extent that members of the media can commune with each other) table said that they want the U.S. Navy approved grey ship paint to end at the door of the women’s room. Upscale the interior a bit.    Continue reading


Filed under Andrew Chalk, Crave