Tag Archives: Traditions

Halloween Traditions Around the World

dia-de-los-muertos-halloween-makeup (1)by Steven Doyle

Halloween is fast upon us and soon chic costume parties and special potions will be abound. Children laughing as  they bounce from home to home searching for the perfect treats will literally lift our spirits as we celebrate this fun holiday.

Today we look at a few countries from around the globe to see how they celebrate their version of Halloween. Continue reading

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Filed under Crave, Steven Doyle

July Fourth Family Traditions


The 4th of July has become a widely loved holiday among Americans. And I mean, what’s not to love? Family, friends, barbecues, beer – the list goes on and on. Some of these Independence Day food traditions seem so quintessentially American, but surprisingly, not all of them actually are. Here are some common 4th of July food traditions and how they started. Continue reading

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Filed under Steven Doyle