Tag Archives: Andrew Lostetter

Benefit For Andrew Lostetter

by Crave Staff

Andrew Lostetter has been a bartender in the Dallas area for over fourteen years; he has grown as a barmen moving from Consilient (Fireside Pies on Henderson and Sense) to join the team at Neighborhood Services Tavern, then on to The Marquee Grill in Highland Park Village. Andrew has been on the forefront of the cocktail movement in Dallas and has frequently been seen shaking cocktails for various charities around Dallas, including Bar 828 in Oak Cliff, and the HID IN pop-up bar that had a brief stint in Deep Ellum.

Recently Andrew experienced an epic ski accident that left him with a fractured pelvis in four places, dislocated sacrum from his pelvis and fractured two of his vertebrae.  Two surgeries later Andrew is back in Dallas undergoing further treatment.    Continue reading


Filed under beer, Cocktails, Crave