Tag Archives: Bento Box

Meet the Bento!

cluelessgirlby Steven Doyle

The bento box is said to date back to the fifth century and basically is a packed luncheon of fruit, meat or fish, rice and other tasty nuggets. These complete meals were often sent to work or school, and even sold at intermissions at the theater. In more recent times the bento has become a bit more elaborate and met with much skill for the housewife to not only to feed her children, but also a source of entertainment. Beautifully designed characters fashioned from pieces of sushi become anime characters, and tiny animals that encourage their brood to dine happily.

The bento box can be found in many Japanese restaurants today and offered as a quick meal fix for the hungry worker. Dallas has many restaurants serving these and we have a short list of a few favorites below. Please offer your favorites!   Continue reading

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Filed under Steven Doyle

Food Truck Of the Week: Bento Box

bento1by Steven Doyle

I ran across a newish food truck this week, Bento Box. They are primarily a Fort Worth truck, but I found them in Dallas for a special event. The thought of sushi in a food truck, which in the summer can exceed 110 degrees, was at first disarming. When I spoke to the owners, chef Scott Kaiser and his lovely bride Brandi, those thoughts of odd fish quickly went away. Using the term chef generally does not apply to most food truck operators, but in this case it is not only well deserved, it is accurate.


The couple actually have a storied restaurant career and met while both were working at the Cafe Modern located in the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. Scott was cheffing while Brandi worked the front of the house. Continue reading


Filed under Food Trucks, Steven Doyle, Sushi