Tasty Mac and Cheese You Can Try Today in Dallas

5ee01f66ad2b8188a0506b02e2d50513.jpgby  Steven Doyle

The exact origin of macaroni and cheese is unknown, though it most likely hails from Northern Europe, with the earliest known recorded recipe being scribbled down in 1769. A staple of American cuisine, the creamy combo made its way to the United States courtesy of Thomas Jefferson, who, while visiting France, became enamored of fashionable pasta dishes served there. He brought back noodle recipes and a pasta machine, since this foodstuff was unavailable in the Colonies. As president, he served macaroni and cheese at an 1802 state dinner.

Kraft Foods introduced its boxed macaroni and cheese in 1937, when America was in the throes of the Great Depression. The product could serve four for 19 cents, and the company sold 8 million boxes of its quick-and-easy macaroni and cheese in a year. With rationing in effect during World War II, the boxed mix continued to gain in popularity; staples such as fresh meat and dairy were in short supply. It’s now the standard incarnation of the dish, and along with ramen noodles, the Kraft Dinner is a mainstay of college student cuisine.


We have a list today so  you may maneuver through your favorite cheesy pasta, and smile contently as we near cooler temps in North Texas.


Brick and Bones: By far an amazing version of mac and cheese with its thick pasta noodle, nice crumb topping and cheesy greatness for the win. A must try. Plus great yard bird.


Pecan Lodge: Rich and creamy, bright and dreamy, the mac at Pecan Lodge infuses jalapenos and bacon is into their thick of cheese mac.

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The Porch: Think of cheesy ooze coupled with mom’s loving spirit. That is the Porh’s mac and cheese.

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Montlake Cut: Truly an award winning dish of shells with superior cheese and a smokiness that will leave you  asking for more.

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Street’s Fine Chicken: Made the old fashioned way, with plenty of cheese and a nice bread crumb baked in for added flavor and texture.


Nick and Sam’s: Made with lobster, a lobster bechamel and a ton of butter along with the requisite cheese. Greatness.

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Hattie’s: Crusty and cheesy with a blend of four including a spicy Jack that will blow your fried chicken mind.

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Capital Grille: Opulent lobster-ridden mac that will sing to your heart.

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Holy Grail Pub:  One of our favorite places in Plano to dine with an amazing Monte Cristo and beer selection, try  the Gruyere mac with a spicy panko topping.

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Haywire: Another Plano addition with a mac that is studded with jalapenos  and ham served in cast iron.

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Filed under Crave, Steven Doyle

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