Tag Archives: Tour

Revolver Brewery Tour

revolverby Brian Wall

It’s not often that the planets line up, Karma comes around or that everything just lines up properly. This past Saturday tour day was one of those perfect happenings. When two very good friends were in town this past weekend, it seemed like a good opportunity to take one to a brewery tour while the other was duck hunting. As a typical weathered day in the Metro, traffic was horrid and I ran late getting to the hotel for the tour. The mighty hunter had finished and was on his way back with his spoils and we both decided to wait and have him go with us to the tour.

My first idea was to hit Fort Worth since the hotel was in Weatherford. Looking at the location though and the time frame of running late, it seemed that maybe getting late would not have been a good idea so the decision of a slightly closer and unvisited brewery came to fruition, that brewery being Revolver in Granbury. Time was still not looking great but I figured that we would get there at least an hour before the close and we would get a couple samples. Imagine my surprise when we arrived at the brewery and found that not only were they extending their tour until four in the afternoon rather than three but we also happened to have arrived at the one year birthday party. While there was no cake for this party by the time we arrived, we did get a gift of five samples of great beer.   Continue reading

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Filed under Brian Wall

Dallas BBQ Tour Was A Meaty Success

by Steven Doyle

Each weekend I lead several tours across Dallas searching for the perfect bites. Most weekends the tours are chocolate themed as they seem to be the most popular. Although I have been leading food tours for several years now in the Dallas area, the thought of doing these professionally, even on a part time basis, seemed odd at best. Were there really that many people willing to give up their Saturday or Sunday to check out a handful of unusual foodie spots around town?   Continue reading


Filed under Bacon, BBQ, Dallas Tour

Scardello Austin Cheese Tour

 by Steven Doyle

Scardello’s Rich Rogers will be leading a cheese tour in Austin from Friday, May 18 – Sunday, May 20. Activities will include a cheese and wine reception at the Volstead Lounge, a bus tour to Pure Luck Dairy, Jester King Brewery, Argus Cidery and a farm-to-table dinner. What could be a better weekend for a true cheese lover? Space is limited, so visit Scardello’s website at to book your reservation today.

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Filed under Austin, Bacon, Cheese, Scardello, Steven Doyle