Category Archives: Rumors

Breaking News: Is Whole Foods Market Kicking California Wine Out Of The Texas Wine Section?

by Andrew Chalk

That is what Sabrina Houser has heard on “good authority”. She is with Dry Comal Creek Vineyards and Winery which I used as example when I wrote about non-Texas wine in the Texas wine section of a new Whole Foods Market in the Dallas area. If her source is correct, Whole Foods may be implementing a policy change whereby the Texas wine section will be populated only by Texas wines. California wine sold by Texas wineries will be moved elsewhere. This actually opens up the tantalising possibility of Whole Foods sourcing more Texas wines from more wineries (they could use the winners of our Viognier tasting or our Tempranillo tasting as a crib sheet to start off). Furthermore, it makes Whole Foods a leader in Truth In Labelling regarding Texas wines.  Continue reading


Filed under Andrew Chalk, Rumors, Texas, TexSom, Whole Foods, Whole Foods Market, Wine

Private Social Shuttering

by Steven Doyle     photo by Robert Bostick

An inside source claims that Private Social will be closing permanently after the last shift this evening.

More to follow as the information trickles in.



Filed under Closing, Crave, Restaurant Closed, restaurant news, Rumors, Uptown, Yikes

Where In the World Is Bob Sambol?

by Steven Doyle

Bob Sambol is alive and well and not working at any steakhouse, or restaurant for that matter. We did track down some information that lead us to Syracuse, New York at a 133 year old sausage company where our famous restaurateur Bob is Vice President of Marketing and Sales – namely at Hoffman Sausage Company.     Continue reading


Filed under Beef, Dallas, Rumors, Steven Doyle